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Aantal resultaten: 192( DE:"transgender identiteit" )


The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman  / ed. by Elizabeth Reis.

Early American Studies, 12 (2014) 3 (Fall), p. 666-678
bron: Early American Studies jaargang: 12 (2014) 3 (Fall), p. 666-678
samenvatting: Following appears a complete transcription of "The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman" which appeared in The Knickerbocker; or New York Monthly Magazine, December 1857, 599-610. Minor changes in punctuation are the only alterations to the original text.

signatuur: cat. art. (beyon/bin) b

The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman
cat. art. (beyon/bin) b
ed. by Elizabeth Reis.
Early American Studies

Mythen en stoplichten  / 

Alara Adilow.Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2022 - 108 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2022 - 108 p.
samenvatting: ’s Avonds brei ik nieuwe stoffen aan de representaties van de vrouw die ik bij een tweedehandswinkel heb gekocht. Sommige versleten, sommige gloednieuw; nooit gedragen, in feilloze conditie weggedaan. Misschien stond het niet, of was het te prijzig. Sommige waren stoffig en bedekt met olie en bloedvlekken, opgedroogde melk die ik moest schoonpoetsen waardoor de kleuren en structuren van sommige representaties vervaagden. Ze zeggen: niemand weet wat een vrouw echt is, en niemand heeft ooit een echte vrouw gezien. Alara Adilow (1988) is een dichter van Somalische afkomst, woonachtig in Amsterdam. In 2019 haalde ze de finale van het NK Poetry Slam. Ze publiceerde onder andere in De Gids, Het liegend konijn, De Revisor en Tirade. Alara is geselecteerd voor de residentie voor transgender & queer personen van Museum Arnhem.

signatuur: cat. (adilo/myt) fb

Mythen en stoplichten
cat. (adilo/myt) fb
Alara Adilow.

The Sex Change Stories of a Pear Shaped Boy  / Jason Elvis Barker

[S.l.: s.n.], 2007 - [18] p.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], 2007 - [18] p.: ill.
  1. transgender
  2. fictie
samenvatting: Hello! Welcome to this collection of comics drawn from sometime around 1997 when I first changed my name to the present day. Some of them have featured in previous comics that I made but, seeing as distribution giving them to about five friends, it hardly matters. Most of them are on the loose theme of "sex change" but some are not. Some are also surprisingly rude!

signatuur: cat. (barke/sex) fk

The Sex Change Stories of a Pear Shaped Boy
cat. (barke/sex) fk

Messer im Traum : Transexuelle in Deutschland  / 

Holde-Barbara Ulrich; Thorsten Karsten.Tübingen: Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 1994 - 176 p.
uitgave: Tübingen: Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 1994 - 176 p.
samenvatting: Die Autorin Holde-Barbara Ulrich und der Fotograf Thomas Karsten porträtieren auf knapp 170 Seiten 13 transsexuelle Menschen, 10 Transfrauen und 3 Transmänner, im Alter von 24 bis 64 Jahren.

signatuur: cat. (ulric/mes) bb

Messer im Traum : Transexuelle in Deutschland
cat. (ulric/mes) bb
Holde-Barbara Ulrich; Thorsten Karsten.

Sex Changes : The Politics of Transgenderism.  / 

Pat Califia.San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2003 - XLVII, 299 p.
uitgave: San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2003 - XLVII, 299 p.
annotatie: First Edition: 1997; title on cover: Sex Changes: Transgender Politics.
samenvatting: Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism is Califia's meticulously researched book based on an astute reading of the available literature and in-depth interviews with gender transgressors who "opened their lives, minds, hearts, and bedrooms to the gaze of strangers." Writing about both male-to-female and female-to-male transsexuals, Califia examines the lives of early transgender pioneers like Christine Jorgenson, Jan Morris, Renee Richards and Mark Rees, contemporary transgender activists like Leslie Feinberg and Kate Bornstein, and partners of transgendered people like Minnie Bruce Pratt. Califia scrutinizes feminist resistance to transsexuals occupying women's space, the Christian Right's backlash against transsexuals, and the appropriation of the berdache and other differently-gendered by gay historians to prove the universal existance of homosexuality. Finally, Sex Changes explores the future of gender.

signatuur: cat. (calif/sex) b

Sex Changes : The Politics of Transgenderism.
cat. (calif/sex) b
Pat Califia.

When trans translates into tolerance - or was it monstrous? : Transsexual and transgender identity in liberal humanist discourse  / Randi Gressgård.

Sexualities, 13 (2010) 5 (oct), p. 539-561
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 13 (2010) 5 (oct), p. 539-561
samenvatting: The article explores the way in which trans people represent a cultural ?difference? that has to be managed in liberal-democratic societies of today. The point of departure is liberal tolerance discourse, as analysed by Wendy Brown, in which the threatening ?others? are being regulated in order to prevent the social order from being destroyed from within. In accordance with liberal norms and values, tolerance promotes individual choice and autonomy: the individual?s freedom of identity. It also assumes, however, that identities, such as trans identity, issue from an essence or inner truth to be found in the person. This subjectivity-constituting contradiction lies at the core of liberal tolerance discourse. Trans people bring into question this contradiction, thereby challenging the foundations of normative subjectivity. The key question that emerges is whether liberal humanist tolerance defies horror and hostility or whether tolerance discourse creates its own gendered and sexualized monsters suitable for late-modern, flexible regimes of governmentality.

signatuur: ts.

When trans translates into tolerance - or was it monstrous? : Transsexual and transgender identity in liberal humanist discourse
Randi Gressgård.

Human rights and gender identity : best practice catalogue  / Silvan Agius ... [et al.].

Brussels [etc.]: ILGA-Europe [etc.], 2011 - 63 bl.: ill.
uitgave: Brussels [etc.] : ILGA-Europe [etc.], 2011 - 63 bl.: ill.
  1. transgender
  2. rechtspositie
samenvatting: This report is a civil society follow-up to the pioneering work of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, and his 2009 Issue Paper entitled Human Rights and Gender Identity ((hamma-t/hum) k). In it, the Commissioner explored the human rights situation of trans people in depth, clearly showing that they remain one of the most vulnerable and discriminated communities due to inadequate legislation and social marginalisation. Through a set of twelve recommendations, the Commissioner called on Council of Europe Member States to respect the human rights of trans people and put in place concrete measures for the social inclusion and emancipation of trans people. Policy makers and LGBTI organisations alike, have often asked ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe to provide advice towards the implementation of these recommendations. It therefore became increasingly evident that it was useful to publish the most complete set of best practices that are known to ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe, to illustrate how each of the twelve recommendations can be met in legislation, policy and practice.

signatuur: cat. (human/rig/bes)

dgb grijs

Human rights and gender identity : best practice catalogue
cat. (human/rig/bes)dgb grijs

Passing the Test: The Transgender Self, Society and Femininity  / Allison Bischoff.

Amsterdam: SIT Study Abroad, 2011 - 65 bl.
uitgave: Amsterdam : SIT Study Abroad, 2011 - 65 bl.
  1. genderidentiteiten
  2. transgender
samenvatting: This research explores the complex relationships between transgender women and their bodies, their intimate relationships, their identities, and the pressure to pass. The work begins by defining the term transgender, as well as discussing the history of transgender issues in the Netherlands. Several works by both Dutch and non-Dutch authors that focus on the transgender identity are reviewed and related to this study. The theories postulated by Julia Serrano, Matthew Sycamore Bernstein, Linda Nicholson and Judith Butler are critical to the analysis of personal interviews conducted by the researcher with five Dutch transgender women. Through these interviews several themes arise, including the importance of the body, womanhood and femininity, and the pressure to pass. The researcher argues that transgender women confirm their self identities through transforming their bodies, whether physiologically or superficially (i.e. clothing, mannerisms, etc.) and through conforming to the ideals of femininity.

signatuur: cat. (bisch-a/pas)

dgb grijs

Passing the Test: The Transgender Self, Society and Femininity
cat. (bisch-a/pas)dgb grijs

Een dubbel gevoel : een pilotonderzoek naar seksualiteitsbeleving en informatiebehoefte over seksualiteit van transgenders  / auteurs: Tamar Doorduin en Willy van Berlo.

Utrecht: Rutgers WPF, 2012 - 137 bl.
uitgave: Utrecht : Rutgers WPF, 2012 - 137 bl.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Seksualiteit hangt nauw samen met lichaam en identiteit. De specifieke situatie van transgenderpersonen maakt dat hun ervaring van lichaam en identiteit anders is dan die van cisgender (niet-transgender)personen. Het valt te verwachten dat dit ook invloed heeft op hun seksualiteitsbeleving. Toch is er, zowel internationaal als in Nederland, nauwelijks onderzoek verricht naar de manier waarop het transgender-zijn en het doormaken van een transitie de seksualiteitsbeleving van transgenderpersonen beïnvloedt. Er is dan ook weinig informatie over seksualiteit beschikbaar voor transgenderpersonen die toegesneden is op hun specifieke situatie. In dit pilot-onderzoek wordt een begin gemaakt met het vergaren van deze informatie, en wordt de behoefte aan verdere informatie geïnventariseerd. Er werd o.a. gebruik gemaakt van een steekproef onder 12 personen. Gezien de kleine omvang en homogeniteit van de steekproef zijn de resultaten eerder als hypothesen dan als conclusies te beschouwen.

signatuur: cat. (doord-t/ber)

dgb grijs

Een dubbel gevoel : een pilotonderzoek naar seksualiteitsbeleving en informatiebehoefte over seksualiteit van transgenders
cat. (doord-t/ber)dgb grijs

Tertium non datur - either/or reactions to transsexualism amongst health care professionals : the situation past and present, and its relevance to the future  / Timo O. Nieder, Hertha Richter-Appelt.

Psychology and Sexuality, 2 (2011) 3 (sep), p. 224-243
bron: Psychology and Sexuality jaargang: 2 (2011) 3 (sep), p. 224-243
samenvatting: According to the principle of the excluded third (tertium non datur) the gender binary divides our social life into two options only: male or female. Similarly, either/or reactions also seem to be applied by people dealing professionally with issues of transsexualism, transgenderism or related statuses. For instance, the history of transsexualism is characterised by attempts to classify transsexual people hierarchically and descriptively. The primary intention was to discriminate between different types of transsexualism to prescribe hormonal and surgical treatment for ?real? transsexual people and to recommend psychotherapy aiming at relieving gender dysphoria for all the others. In this regard, from the early beginnings sexologists have argued about the origins of transsexualism, because the type of origin - the professionals assumed - legitimises a specific kind of treatment, for example psychotherapy for psychological issues and somatic cross-sex treatment for biological issues. Consequently, psychoanalysts and biologically orientated professionals have debated at great lengths about state-of-the-art treatment for transsexual people. Furthermore, to pass as a ?real? transsexual, most of the people concerned presented themselves in a very schematic way. The main focus of this article is the long-standing history of either/or reactions in health care professionals dealing with issues of transsexualism and related states. In addition, it elaborates on the iatrogenic influence on the behaviour of transsexual people of the biases of health care professionals. Finally, in highlighting perspectives of recent trans theory, conclusions important for the debate of current issues are drawn and ideas for the future of care are developed. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rpse20/2/3 ]

signatuur: ts.

Tertium non datur - either/or reactions to transsexualism amongst health care professionals : the situation past and present, and its relevance to the future
Timo O. Nieder, Hertha Richter-Appelt.
Psychology and Sexuality


( DE:"transgender identiteit" )

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